deadsimple BSD Security Advisories and Announcements

MidnightBSD 3.2.2 RELEASE

MidnightBSD 3.2.2 RELEASE is now uploading to our mirrors.

Changes include:

|A NFS server that exports a cd9660, tarfs, or ext2fs file system can be 
made to panic by mounting and accessing the export with an NFS client. 
Further exploitation (e.g., bypassing file permission checking or remote 
kernel code execution) is potentially possible, though this has not been 
demonstrated. In particular, release kernels are compiled with stack 
protection enabled, and some instances of the overflow are caught by 
this mechanism, causing a panic. Fix permissions on etcupdate use. 
(security issue) Previously sensitive files could end up in the 
conflicts directory world readable. Make kernel modules non executable 
on file system. Update portsnap key! pkg-config files are now installed 
for base openssl Ravenports bootstrap changed after switch of their 
package manager. Base system config(8) updated|

Lucas Holt
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