deadsimple BSD Security Advisories and Announcements

OpenBSD Foundation 2016 Fundraising

2016 Fund Raising

The OpenBSD Foundation is happy to report that the 2016 fundraising
goal of $250,000 has been more than met with a final donation total
of $573,000!

We wish to thank our contributors large and small. In particular
we would like to extend special thanks to our two Iridium level
($100,000 and above) supporters. The first is Smartisan who made
the largest single donation ever. The second is the OpenBSD community
who together made the second largest donation of 2016.

Other large donors this year were the Core Infrastructure Initiative,
Duck Duck Go, Yandex, 2Keys, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Hewlett-Packard
Enterprise, Target and genua gmb.

The success of this year's effort will allow the Foundation to
continue to expand its level of support for OpenBSD and related
projects. The Foundation will be able to assume responsibility for
funding more aspects of the project infrastructure including
significant long outstanding machine room repairs and enhancements
such as the high speed fibre connection that was added in 2016.

The Foundation will use its resources to support efforts rebuild
a significant part of the test and release server farm, and to
restock depleted stores and spares for our older architectures.

2017's slate of hackathons is being solidified in the light of the
financial resources now available. These events will continue to
provide a stream of improvements to the OpenBSD projects.

We would like to especially thank the contributors large and small
who have made commitments for continuing donations to the Foundation.
The success of the 2016 fundraising campaign will be much easier
to turn into a regular occurrence thanks to their commitment.

In order to keep OpenBSD and related projects vigorously contributing
to the open software community the Foundation will continue to
strive to improve its financial resources.

Please contribute in 2017!